The Circle of Success is on its way to your email!

While waiting for it, Lets take your business to the next level.

Easily actionable steps for the Circle of success

Alright, let me level with you. We have a step-by-step system that can help grow any small service-based business.

We're not promising overnight success or miracles, but if you're willing to put in the work and follow our guidance, we truly believe you can achieve some significant results.

So, if you're up for the challenge, let's get on with it!

19th April 2023

7Pm to 8:30pm

How can this event help more than the Circle of Success?

Ok, honestly, the Success Circle is a great reference tool and is packed with a lot of really useful information and can kick-start you in growing your business and making more profit.

But what you really want is to take your business to the next level, right?

It's no secret that the world is in a state of flux. With the advent of AI and other technological advancements, we're on the cusp of a new era. Meanwhile, unstable markets and surging fuel costs are causing prices to skyrocket, not to mention Brexit and the looming specters of war. Frankly, it's all a bit unnerving, and we can't just sit around waiting for things to improve. We need to take decisive action to ensure our survival in these tumultuous times.

My name is Stuart Miles, and together with my brother Simon Miles, we've assembled this webinar with the aim of assisting small service-based businesses in the UK not just to stay afloat but to thrive. We managed to turn our own fledgling service-based enterprise into a success story, culminating in its eventual sale for an impressive £1.3m. And now, we're eager to impart the tried-and-tested methods we've honed over the years, so that you too can reap the benefits.

Just a one off £7 booking fee

To speak plainly, the seven-pound booking fee isn't essential; we could easily offer this webinar for free. However, we've included this charge to discourage 'no shows'. We're only interested in working with individuals who are genuinely committed to enhancing their business. If, for whatever reason, you feel that the webinar doesn't deliver on its promises, we're happy to issue a full refund of the seven pounds.

19th April 2023

7Pm to 8:30pm

Here's some extras for your Seven Quid...

The ENTREPRENEURS Marketing System

Written by Little Devil Marketing Stuart Miles & and Entrepreneurs Circle Nigel Botterill, This book will help guild you through the first hurdle of getting to the next level, by showing you how to get more customers, It's like a bible for small service based businesses. A physical book, posted to your door. *While stocks last

Ai - The Big 2

We show you how to use Ai in the two most powerful ways. It's easier than you think and it's a quick way to outshine any competition.

Bringing it all Together

Just imagine you could do everything in one place. Create an easy drag and drop website, setup a facebook add, send the clicks into a CRM, design an automated workflow and connect to your customers with a membership portal and take online payments.

This software exists, and we will show you how easy it is to set up and use for your business.

Try CRM Devil for free!

There are only 3 system changes you need to get a service based business to the next level.

Build Campaign

Increase Prices

Add More Value

The first step is to get more customers, not just a few but a consistent steady stream.

When you have more customers than you can service, increase your prices.

Hiking up prices isn't going to cut it for long, add value to justify a higher price.

Here's the problem

Most small business owners will have objections to this system. Some will say, that wont work in this industry, or, i cant charge any more in this area, but it simply isn't true. I'm not saying this is easy, and by putting prices up, you're going to piss off some of your regulars. All sorts of emotions start to kick in when faced with raising prices, loyalty, guilt, confidence. All these things play a part and to ignore them would be madness, however, there is a method that we used to navigate this mine field, and that is to be super organised.

You're in luck! This is where we come in.

Even if you're super unorganised, forgetful or just too busy to keep everything in order, we have a proven system and the software to do it. Commit to the webinar right now and commit to getting you and your business where you need to be. We'll take you through the 3 stages step by step in the group webinar and afterwards we will take a personal look at your individual business model and help you overcome any objections or hurdles that may be stopping you from reaching the next level. skeptical? let us prove it, what have you got to lose?

If you are fed up with struggling to make ends meet, take action!

19th April 2023

7Pm to 8:30pm

90 Minute Webinar - The Next Level

The goal of this webinar is to create an actionable plan to take you and your business to the next level.

  1. Introduction: How we added 1 million to the valuation of one of our service based business in just 3 years. What we're doing now and what our future goals are.

  2. The Circle of Success: We explain the method and how it can help you change your mindset.

  1. The First Step: Getting customers. Lots of them, and consistently.

  1. Raising Prices: Everyone should be paid what they are worth, we discuss how small incremental price increases can radically change a business.

  1. Adding Value: A sticking point for many small service based businesses. we ask, what could you give your customers that costs you very little but is of a greater value to them. We'll talk about some very effective methods that we use and brainstorm some others in real time.

  1. Summary: A plan of action, accountability and a community of success.

19th April 2023

7Pm to 8:30pm

Why £7

What we teach is extremely effective and we only want true business owners who are going to take action in their business. We know those that take action on what we teach and follow the easy step by step system, will massively improve the business they are in. If you are not prepared to spend £7 on educating yourself, then we know you're not serious about your business.

Who is this event for?

This is event is for service based small business owners who are serious

about getting to the next level


What Are The Dates & Times Of The Event?

19th April 2023

7Pm to 8:30pm

What Will I Need To Bring?

There will be lots of actionable content - Bring a notepad and pen!!

Will There Be A Replay?

No, there will be no replays of this event.

"And you can dream, so dream out loud. And don't let the bastards grind you down"

Little Devil Marketing Ltd

Contact Us

Mon-Fri: 9AM-8PM

01793 200 195

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